Medium 12.5″ inch to 15″ inch Axle Stand NCC Approved For Caravan


44 in stock


These Axle stands are the best quality manufactured axle stands out there, these are NCC code of practice 501 approved with weight load test stamped on base. Load test certificate available by request. Below is Clause 6.6 from the NCC Code of Practice

Clause 6.6 Support Points

The chassis manufacturer shall provide support points in sufficient numbers and positions as agreed with the CHH or RPH manufacturer in light of the weight distribution of the specific layout of a particular model. To achieve the required snow-loading grade, (Caravan Holiday Homes only) it is recommended that the support points be in the areas as specified by the detail design.

 For homes up to 8 metres in length there should be a minimum of 2 support points on each longitudinal member (in addition to those either side of the axle support area).

 For homes between 8 & 12.2 metres in length there should be a minimum of 4 support points on each longitudinal member (in addition to those either side of the axle support area).

For homes over 12.2 metres and up to the maximum legal length of 20.00 metres there should be a minimum of 6 support points on each longitudinal member (in addition to those either side of the axle support area).

Axle stands may be used as a permanent means of support. The supports should be sufficient in number and be cable of withstanding the load of the finished home and all anticipated imposed loads. The home must be supported in accordance with clause 6.6 of this code.

Axle stand manufacturers must have their axle stands independently tested and the maximum safe working load clearly shown on the stands (e.g. stamped or permanent label).

If a concrete block is used as a means of support it must be certified to BS EN 771-3 and used in the correct plane.